Home Cleaning

How to Remove Cat Urine Smell and Useful Tips to Prevent It

Noticing your cat has urinated in an unwanted place is frustrating, but understanding the reasons behind it can help prevent future incidents. Here are some common causes and practical solutions to remove the smell and prevent it from happening again.

Understanding Why Cats Urinate Outside the Litter Box

Medical Issues

Conditions like urinary tract infections, kidney disease, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and feline lower urinary tract disease can cause inappropriate urination. Always consult a vet to rule out these serious health problems. According to PetMD, these diseases can be fatal, so timely consultation is crucial.

Litter Box Issues

Your cat might not be accustomed to the litter, especially kittens. Older cats might have arthritis, making it difficult to access the litter box if it’s too high or far away. Ensure multiple litter boxes are easily accessible and frequently cleaned.

Stress from Other Pets

Dogs or other pets may scare or disturb your cat, causing them to avoid the litter box. Train other pets to not interfere with your cat's litter box time.

Not Neutered

Unneutered male cats spray to mark territory, and females may do so to signal readiness to mate. Neutering can help reduce this behavior.

Address your cat's inappropriate urination by consulting a vet for potential medical issues and ensuring a stress-free litter box environment.
Address your cat's inappropriate urination by consulting a vet for potential medical issues and ensuring a stress-free litter box environment.

Tips to remove your cat urine smell

Cat urine can deeply penetrate surfaces, especially textiles like carpets, sofas, or clothes. Here are some effective DIY solutions:

1. Get Rid of As Much Urine as Possible

Quickly absorb as much urine as possible using absorbent paper to avoid stains and persistent odor. For fabrics, wash or dry-clean them ASAP to prevent the odor from setting in.

Swiftly tackle cat urine stains by absorbing as much liquid as possible with paper towels before using DIY cleaning solutions like vinegar, baking soda, or hydrogen peroxide.
Swiftly tackle cat urine stains by absorbing as much liquid as possible with paper towels before using DIY cleaning solutions like vinegar, baking soda, or hydrogen peroxide.

2. Vinegar and Water

Vinegar is one of the most versatile DIY cleaning solutions you can use at your home. Mix vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio. Vinegar neutralizes bacteria in cat urine. Spray the solution on the affected area and clean it with an old towel or paper.

3. Baking Soda

Baking soda is excellent at soaking up odors. Sprinkle it on the dry surface, let it sit for about 30 minutes, and then vacuum it. Avoid overusing, as it can be difficult to remove entirely.

4. Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide neutralizes ammonia in cat urine. Pour it on the stain, wait 5 minutes, and then clean it. Test on a small area first to avoid discoloration.

Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful ally in tackling tough stains and odors. Apply it to neutralize ammonia and keep your home fresh.
Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful ally in tackling tough stains and odors. Apply it to neutralize ammonia and keep your home fresh.

5. Enzyme-Based Cleaners

These cleaners, available at pet stores, are eco-friendly and effective as they react with the acids in cat urine and neutralize them.

Additional Tips

Avoid Ammonia-Based Cleaners

These can make the smell worse and encourage your cat to urinate in the same spot.

Dry Vacuum Cleaner

Use clean water on the surface and vacuum it back into the tank, especially useful for carpets and sofas. Avoid steam vacuums as heat can set the stain.

Dog-Training Urine Pads

Place these in problematic areas and under the litter box to protect floors and make the area more appealing for your cat.

Maintain a Clean Litter Box

Regularly clean the litter box and ensure it's in a quiet, accessible location. This can prevent your cat from seeking alternative spots to urinate.

Ensure a clean and inviting litter box to encourage your cat to use it regularly. Consistent maintenance can prevent accidents and unwanted messes.
Ensure a clean and inviting litter box to encourage your cat to use it regularly. Consistent maintenance can prevent accidents and unwanted messes.

Use Cat-Repellent Sprays

These sprays can discourage your cat from urinating in unwanted areas. They're available at most pet stores and are safe for use around pets.

Preventing Future Incidents

Routine Vet Visits

Regular check-ups can help catch health issues early before they cause inappropriate urination.

Stress Reduction

Minimize changes in the household that could stress your cat, such as new pets or rearranged furniture. Provide a stable, calm environment.

Litter Box Training

If you have kittens, make sure they are properly trained to use the litter box. For older cats, consider using low-sided boxes for easier access.


Neuter your cat to reduce territory-marking behaviors.


By following these methods, you can effectively remove cat urine smell and prevent future incidents. Share any additional tips in the comments below! For more cleaning tips, check our article on what cleaning products you should never mix.

