How To Clean A Stinky Toilet? - A Practical Guide

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Who likes to think about stinky toilets, let alone cleaning them? Of course, no one does, yet, a stinky toilet is one big problem. Often, in spite of cleaning your toilets, the unpleasant stinky smell doesn’t really seem to leave. Having a yucky stinky toilet can make you feel as if you are not doing enough to clean your bathroom. It is not only unhygienic but also a big problem that needs to be discussed to find a cure. So, how to clean a stinky toilet? Let’s check out some of the ways to get rid of the stinky toilet.

How To Clean A Stinky Toilet – Start with Toilet Bowl Cleaning
Are you thinking that you cleaned the toilet in the morning, yet why is it stinking? It is mostly because you swished the toilet brush pretty good just around the bowl. The underside rim and the holes under the rim cleaning are what you missed doing. For the deep cleaning of your toilet, use Castille soap along the sides of the bowl and scrub each and every area thoroughly using a toilet brush. Now, take 1/4th to ½ cup Borax and add it along the sides of the bowl. Mix the borax with the soap mixture using the toilet brush to make a thicker foam. You may add more Borax if required for more thickness so that that the foam sits on the sides. Leave it for 10-15 minutes and then, scrub it finally and flush.
How To Clean A Stinky Toilet Seat Attachment

The toilet seat is one of the major spots as the male kids or adults can spray really bad around the attachment of the toilet seat. For this reason, it is important to know how to clean a stinky toilet seat attachment. You may use Castille soap and a toothbrush on a daily basis to get to the grooves of the toilet seat attachment. It is best if you can unscrew the toilet seat and then clean. After scrubbing every small nook of the toilet seat, clean it with a mixture of water and vinegar. Spray it on the attachment of the toilet seat and then use a microfiber cloth to wipe it. To get rid of the seeps and stains, try to change the toilet seat attachment every year or two. Also, clean the channel where the toilet base and the tank meets.
Use of Essential Oils/ Pine-Sol/Artificial Flowers in the Toilet

How to clean a stinky toilet? One of the best ways of reducing the stink is to use the soothing and refreshing essential oils. Use a few drops of essential oils in the toilet paper roll or Pine-Sol (available in Germany from this store) in the toilet brush holder to get rid of the stinky smell in the toilet. You may also use artificial flowers or scented air freshener beads to make your bathroom smell and appear amazing.
Use Lemon Juice, Baking Soda, and Vinegar
The vinegar, lemon juice, and baking soda mixture is a great way to clean a stinky toilet. Take equal parts of baking soda and lemon juice and mix it in a thick pancake type consistency. Then, use a rag to spread the paste around the toilet seat and at the bottom of the toilet. Let it sit for 15 minutes, meanwhile, pour vinegar in a spray bottle. After 15 minutes spray vinegar over the paste and leave it for some time to let it dissolve. Use a rag to wipe it off.
How To Clean A Stinky Toilet Tank
Toilet tanks can be really stinky. You may use white vinegar to get rid of the toilet tank stink. Put on a pair of gloves and pour a cup of vinegar. Then, scrub the tank’s sides with a brush, flush the toilet and repeat the process for a few times.
There are other ways like closing the lid before flushing, recaulking the tiles, emptying the trashcan regularly, etc. when you think of how to clean a stinky toilet. Try the above methods to stay in a clean, fresh, and hygienic environment.
"Featured photo": by Pixabay for source click here
"Picture no. 1": by Joey for source click here
"Picture no. 2": by Hermaion for source click here
"Picture no. 3": by Pixabay for source click here
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