Appliance Care & Cleaning

How do You Clean the Iron Soleplate at Home Without Much Effort?

Did you ever think of cleaning an iron soleplate? If you did, when was your last effort to clean the iron soleplate? Usually, people don’t even think of cleaning it. But while pressing the wrinkled shirts, if you truly consider the starch amount used or the debris and dirt getting burnt into the clothes and onto the iron, you can understand why it is important to keep the iron soleplate neat and clean. Moreover, when a tool is completely clean, it functions better and longer. So, how do you clean the iron soleplate? Is it a difficult task to do? Thankfully, iron faceplate cleaning is not really a challenging or hard task. Let’s check out how to clean the iron soleplate.

Clean the iron soleplate at regular intervals.
Clean the iron soleplate at regular intervals.

Be alert of when you must clean the iron soleplate

How often do you use the iron? The frequency of using the appliance decides how frequently you should clean the soleplate. For instance, the office shirts or the school uniforms are pressed on a daily basis, whereas, the heavy things like curtains and upholstery need to be pressed once a while. So, if you need to use the appliance regularly, you must clean the soleplate more frequently. The best thing to do is keeping a check whether or not the appliance glides smoothly over the fabric. If the smoothness is lacking, it means dirt has gathered and caused your iron to drag. You must clean the iron soleplate instantly in such a situation.

Clean the iron soleplate with water and baking soda

Ironing clothes with perfection.
Ironing clothes with perfection.

The baking soda is a great cleaner and deodorizer for your home. You may check one of the articles on creative uses of baking soda on our blog.  It also acts as a natural scrubbing ingredient for erasing dirt and grime from the iron soleplate. For cleaning the iron soleplate, make a paste combining one part of water and two parts of baking soda. You should avoid the tap water as it may leave an extra mineral deposit. Check to ensure that the iron is unplugged and cool in order to spread the baking soda paste over the soleplate. After some time, take a microfiber cloth and wipe the paste completely. Then, clean the steam holes on the iron soleplate and let it fully dry before plugging it again.

Clean the iron soleplate with vinegar

Other than a few home appliances and their inner parts and stone surfaces, vinegar is a great natural cleaner for several things. One of them is the iron soleplate that can be easily cleaned with the vinegar. To clean the soleplate with vinegar, take a bowl, pour some vinegar, and microwave it for a minute. Then, take a spray bottle and pour the warm vinegar into it. Spray the warm vinegar in a microfiber cloth until damp and wipe and clean the iron soleplate with it. Keep repeating the process until the iron soleplate is completely free from grime.

Clean the iron soleplate with toothpaste

Rubbing the iron soleplate with white toothpaste can help to loosen the dirt and grime. Keep rubbing it until the dirt loosens and then wipe it with a dry microfiber cloth.

Clean the iron soleplate with common salt

Salt is an effective ingredient for cleaning.
Salt is an effective ingredient for cleaning.

Take a paper towel and pour a lump of salt. Now, run the hot iron over the salt. The dirt and grime are easily attracted by the salt and leaves the iron soleplate clean. Any nylon or plastic material when exposed to the heat of the iron can become sticky and can be difficult to deal with. Before passing the plastic through plastic, use an aluminum foil to pour salt and then place the plastic to run the iron over it.

If you want to keep your iron soleplate clean and avoid mineral deposit, use distilled water in the steam sections. After each use, you must empty the reservoir and wipe the iron soleplate with a damp microfiber cloth to remove starch residues and fibers. Follow the above steps to clean the iron soleplate and keep your iron clean and safe.

Maupriya Das


This article was originally published in 2019 on SPIC AND SPAN. Home & Office Cleaning blog.
