Home Cleaning

Learn 4 Good Housekeeping Habits to Start Immediately

Are you a little untidy person in your life or you a completely disorganized one? Whatever you may be, there are certain bad housekeeping habits that you can eliminate to change your life for better. Messy people tend to throw their clothes here and there. Wiping and cleaning a place after use never crosses their mind. They can go on wearing the same clothes each day or leave things piled up on the bed for days. There are many such examples that set the untidy people apart. But, here are 4 good housekeeping habits that you can adapt by kicking out the bad habits and learn how to keep your home clean and tidy.

a person cleaning a carpet with a brush

Cleaning your home checklist can help you to complete the task easily.

Never Let Chores Pile Up

One of the worst cleaning habits that you may have adapted till now is saying, “I’ll do it later”. For instance, if you clean a bathroom regularly, your task becomes easier and takes hardly a few minutes to keep it clean. But, when you think of doing it later, the chore starts piling up. The more you put off the task, it goes down in your to-do list and starts building hard water and soap scum stains on the sides of the shower walls and the tub. It also darkens the ring around your toilet.

a person cleaning a microwave oven

Wipe the microwave every night.

When you keep avoiding this good housekeeping habit, it makes your bathroom look gross. In addition to that when you finally think of cleaning your bathroom, it becomes quite a challenging task to complete. Thus, never let the chores get out of your hand and instead stick to the good housekeeping habits of regular cleaning schedule. Give little time to cleaning each day to keep your home clean without crushing you down. You may check a comprehensive bathroom cleaning checklist article on our blog to get an idea on the same.

Never be Disorganized

cleaning lady with a set of cleaning tools ready to work

Keep your cleaning supplies ready.

Being disorganized can make you think the task is huge and avoiding it is the usual tendency amongst most of the people. So, working out a plan or having a checklist for cleaning is considered one of the best good housekeeping habits. When you are disorganized, you are hardly aware of where your cleaning tools are and it results in a complete mess. You keep running from one room to the other completely clueless about what you should do and where you should start.

The cleaning seems a massive task when you are disorganized. The best thing to do while cleaning your home is to divide your task into various categories or sections and take up one room at a time. When you break down your task, it makes it small and manageable. You can set smaller goals within a stipulated time. When you set small goals, it becomes easy to manage and also keep you focused on taking up one room at a time.

Never Use Harsh Chemicals

The promotions and advertisements have always attracted people and made each one of us think that the harsh chemical cleaners are the only way to clean your home. From kitchen countertops to the bathroom floors, the advertisements have molded the mind of the people completely. Such harsh chemical cleaning products are not only expensive but also abrasive more than necessary. They can also affect your health and have dangerous consequences. But, very little do you know that such cleaning products should only be used when you need to tackle an extensive task.

Always search for natural and eco-friendly alternatives while cleaning your home. Do you know that your house cleaning can be easily taken care of by the ingredients present in your kitchen pantry? You may also use a mild soap that is readily available in your home. The commercial brands can fail in front of such natural cleaners or can be equally effective as them. The best part is the natural cleaners are inexpensive and they do not contain any kind of harmful chemicals.

Don’t Hesitate to Ask for Help

When you take up more cleaning tasks than you can handle, you tend to leave it halfway. The frustration and stress of unable to clean everything on your list will lead you to give up. When you do so, the chores again start piling up and you are once again stuck in the untidiness cycle. You get just a weekend to spend time with your family. Throughout the week people are usually busy and on the weekends often you are busy preparing for the guests dropping down at home.

In such situations, you may consider finding an experienced home cleaner using a service like SPIC AND SPAN. Home & Office Cleaning to get your home cleaned thoroughly. An experienced cleaning lady is aware of the nooks and corners that need a thorough cleaning. She (or he) is also equipped with the right tools to complete the task efficiently and hassle-free. If you are doing it yourself, do not hesitate to ask for help from your family members. Assign small tasks to them and make your task easy to complete and less time-consuming. SPIC AND SPAN. Home & Office Cleaning is available across Europe. Since July 2020 you can also book a cleaning service in Abuja, Nigeria using their platform.

It’s always easy to work out such good housekeeping habits and adapt all into your life with insignificant effort. Once you do, you’ll be astounded to see how tidy your home can appear, and wonder how you were ever so messy before.

