Home Cleaning

How to Remove Stains and Odors from Plasticware

Plasticware is an excellent choice for storing food, whether it's packing lunch for school or the office, or keeping leftovers fresh. However, over time, plastic containers can absorb stains and odors from the food stored in them. No one wants their berry yogurt to taste like the previous day's taco meat, and tomato stains can be a persistent problem. Here are some effective methods to remove stains and odors from plasticware to extend their usability.

Plasticware breakfast plates are easily manageable.
Plasticware breakfast plates are easily manageable.

Using White Vinegar


  1. Initial Cleaning: Clean the plasticware with a microfiber cloth, dishwashing liquid, and hot water.

  2. Vinegar Soak: Pour white vinegar into the plasticware and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes.

  3. Rinse: Discard the vinegar and wash the plasticware again with hot soapy water.

  4. Repeat if Needed: If odors persist, repeat the process.

White vinegar is a natural deodorizer that helps neutralize odors and break down stains, making it an effective solution for maintaining your plastic containers.

Using Lemon


  1. Preparation: Scrape all food remnants from the plastic container and rinse it.

  2. Lemon Rub: Cut a lemon in half and rub it over the discolored areas of the container, squeezing slightly to release the juice.

  3. Sun Dry: Place the container in the sun for about an hour until the lemon juice dries up.

  4. Final Wash: Wash the container and its lid as usual.

Lemon is a natural bleaching agent and deodorizer. Its acidity helps to lift stains and remove lingering odors, especially from foods like tomatoes. Lemon has many uses in home cleaning. Chek other creative uses of lemon on our blog.

Using Baking Soda


  1. Initial Cleaning: Remove any food remnants from the plastic container.

  2. Baking Soda Paste: Make a thick paste of baking soda and water.

  3. Application: Apply the paste to the stained areas using your fingers.

  4. Wait: Leave the paste on the stains for 15-20 minutes.

  5. Rinse: Rinse off the paste with water.

  6. Repeat if Needed: Repeat until the stains are gone.

  7. Final Wash: Wash the plasticware as usual.

Baking soda is a mild abrasive and a natural deodorizer that effectively removes stains and odors from plastic containers.

Additional Methods


Place a piece of charcoal in the plastic container and leave it sealed overnight. Charcoal absorbs odors, making it an excellent solution for stubborn smells.

Rubbing Alcohol

Wipe the container with rubbing alcohol and let it sit for a few minutes before washing it thoroughly. This method is particularly effective for disinfecting and deodorizing plasticware.

Using Hydrogen Peroxide

Use hydrogen peroxide to remove tough stains and odors from plastic containers.
Use hydrogen peroxide to remove tough stains and odors from plastic containers.

Hydrogen peroxide is another effective cleaning agent for plasticware, particularly for removing tough stains.


  1. Initial Cleaning: As with other methods, start by removing any food remnants and rinsing the container.

  2. Hydrogen Peroxide Soak: Fill the container with hydrogen peroxide and let it sit for 30 minutes to an hour.

  3. Rinse: Pour out the hydrogen peroxide and rinse the container with water.

  4. Final Wash: Wash the container with dish soap and water.

Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful oxidizer that can help lift stains and eliminate odors.

Using Salt and Vinegar

Combining salt with vinegar can enhance the cleaning power of both ingredients.


  1. Initial Cleaning: Clean the container as usual to remove any food residues.

  2. Salt Application: Sprinkle a generous amount of salt into the container.

  3. Vinegar Pour: Add vinegar to the container until it covers the salt.

  4. Scrub and Soak: Use a sponge to scrub the mixture into the stains and then let it sit for 15-30 minutes.

  5. Rinse: Rinse thoroughly with water.

  6. Final Wash: Wash with dish soap and water.

The abrasive nature of salt combined with the acidity of vinegar helps to break down tough stains and neutralize odors.

Plastic lunch box for school.
Plastic lunch box for school.

Using Dishwashing Tablets

Dishwashing tablets can be used to clean plastic containers, especially those with stubborn stains.


  1. Fill with Water: Fill the container with hot water.

  2. Add Dishwashing Tablet: Drop a dishwashing tablet into the container.

  3. Soak: Let it soak for several hours or overnight.

  4. Rinse: Rinse out the container thoroughly.

  5. Final Wash: Wash with dish soap and water.

Dishwashing tablets contain powerful cleaning agents that can dissolve food residues and stains effectively.

Using Bleach Solution

For extreme stains and odors, a bleach solution can be effective, though it should be used sparingly.


  1. Dilute Bleach: Mix a solution of one tablespoon of bleach per gallon of water.

  2. Soak: Fill the container with the bleach solution and let it sit for about 15 minutes.

  3. Rinse: Rinse thoroughly with water.

  4. Final Wash: Wash with dish soap and water to ensure no bleach residue remains.

Bleach is a strong disinfectant and stain remover but should be used carefully to avoid damaging the plastic.

Say goodbye to persistent stains and odors in your plastic containers.
Say goodbye to persistent stains and odors in your plastic containers.


Maintaining your plasticware doesn't have to be a challenge. By using everyday household items like white vinegar, lemon, baking soda, and other methods mentioned above, you can effectively remove stains and odors, keeping your containers fresh and ready for use. For more cleaning tips and tricks, be sure to check out our blog section, where you'll find a wealth of information to help keep your home clean and organized.

