How To Clean Burnt Pots? – Practical Tips

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When was the last time you had to clean up a burnt pan? It wasn't easy, was it? You've probably brute-force scrubbed it for a while, got tired, and had to step out of the kitchen for a minute or two. And then came back and saw the pan burnt from the bottom. It is the most terrifying of all as there’s nothing more exhausting than cleaning a scorched pan. Okay, let's not be overly dramatic, but for many of us, the general feeling is to throw away the pan instead of cleaning it. But, are you aware that there are many simple ways to clean burnt pans? Yes, there is no reason to worry when your pot or pan gets burnt. Do you know how to clean burnt pots? Here are 6 tips to make your scorched pan cleaning process easy and less laborious.
1. How To Clean Burnt Pots with Vinegar and Baking Soda

When your pot gets burnt, vinegar can be a great solution to get rid of the black burns. Take equal amount of vinegar and water and pour a small amount of it at the bottom of the pan. Bring the water and vinegar solution to a boil on the stovetop. Remove it from the stove after the solution boils for a minute and drain the solution in the sink. Create a fizz by adding baking soda on the empty pot. Finally, scrub the remaining burnt marks by scrubbing the baking soda with a scouring pad and rinse it with water. You can also check creative uses of baking soda article on our blog.
2. How To Clean Burnt Pots with Coarse Salt

Another great cleaning ingredient when you think how to clean burnt pots is coarse salt. One of the best is the Kosher salt which is a great cleaner for lightening or erasing the burnt marks. When the messy grease is difficult to tackle, try using the coarse Kosher salt combined with lemon juice or Dawn dishwasher liquid and hot water to scrub and remove the burnt marks effectively.
3. How To Clean Burnt Pots with Cream of Tartar
A rough alternative for baking soda, cream of tartar is an amazing item for burn pots cleaning. How to clean burnt pots with cream of tartar? In the burnt pan, take a tablespoon of cream of tartar and pour a cup of water in it. Put it on the stove and bring it to boil. Keep it aside for cooling. When it becomes cool, scrub the pan and let it shine like a new one.
4. How To Clean Burnt Pots with Dryer Sheet
Put a mixture of water and soap into the burnt pot and let it soak. Then, add a dryer sheet into the water and soap mix and leave it for an hour. You may also use fabric softener instead of Dryer sheet. Whichever you use, a dryer sheet or fabric softener, it will slacken the food burns. When scrubbing a little, you get a sparkling clean pot without any burnt marks on it.
5. How To Clean Burnt Pots with Soda
Soda is another great cleaner for removing the burns from the pots. Use the low-priced soda available in the stores or the club soda to sprinkle on the bottom of the hot pan. Coat the inner bottom of the pan completely with soda. The carbonation occurs to loosen the grime, scrub a little, and wash the pan to get a clean pot.
6. How To Clean Burnt Pots with Ketchup

Although the Ketchup is not acidic and not a much effective solution for burnt pans, it is great for making the dull and stained pots shine. Cover the affected area with a thin layer of Ketchup and let it dry for 15 minutes. Finally, wipe it off.
Till now, how to clean burnt pots and pans was a big question but you can follow the above tips to clean your burn pots and make it sparkling clean.
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