Stain Removal

How To Get 5 Common Stain Types Out Of Your Carpet

The first thought you get once you see your dog urinating on the carpet is that the carpet now belongs to the trash can. Abolish that thought because there are many ways to get that stain out. There is no doubt that carpet stains are the worst and are hard to remove. Since it requires expert skills to get those stains out, you should already understand all the types of stains and how you can get rid of them.

If you cannot put the stain out by yourself, you should seek professional carpet cleaning services. Still, if you are interested in doing this by yourself, then few methods are mentioned below.

1. Wine Stains

The most common type of stain is that of wine. For instance, imagine a situation where you have just had a big party or a small get-together at your house, and some guest spilled wine onto the carpet. Above all, if you have a light-colored carpet, it would be a huge disaster for you. This is the time when all you have in your mind is about getting that wine stain out of your carpet rather than throwing it all away into the garbage.

Please note that it is easier to remove the stain immediately rather than let it sit on. Once it’s dry, it will not be easy to get that out. First, blot out the excess wine with a paper towel or a cloth. By doing this, you can remove most of the wine stain before it seeps into the carpet. There are many carpet-stain removers available in the market. You can buy them from your local store at affordable prices. If your home is carpeted, then it is better to invest in such a useful product.

Before you apply any remover to the carpet, it is better to test it so that you get to know if it will bleach the color of your carpet. Choose a part of the carpet that is hidden and test the remover on it. If it passes, then apply it where the stain is.

Let the stain remover stay on the carpet for 5-10 minutes so that it can soak the stain. After letting it rest for a few minutes, blot it with a paper towel. It should be noted that stubborn stains do not go in one round; they take 2-3 rounds before the stain is completely gone. So, because of this, most people try to hire cleaning services as they are experienced at removing stains.

2. Cat or Dog Urine Stain

Pet owners mostly try not to have their house carpeted because even a trained pet can create a mess. Dogs and cats are the cutest pets, but their pee smells and leaves stains. That is an accident that can happen, and you cannot prevent it if you are a pet owner.

Most people use high heat to remove the stain, but this method is bogus because it will make your whole house smell like cat pee, and we do not want that. There is stain remover available specifically for pet stain removers. Such stain removers of multiple brands are available at affordable prices. To use these removers is simple, as you need to avoid scrubbing it on the carpet but instead blot it with a paper towel.

3. Chocolate Stains

Chocolate stains on the carpet are a common house occurrence for parents with children. Kids will not pay heed to your warnings or your scold. They will do whatever they want to, so it is the duty of the adults to be prepared.

Removing chocolate stains is also easy. Let the chocolate dry, and then scrape it off with the help of a sharp object. While scraping, take special care so you do not damage the carpet itself. After scraping, apply a detergent solution to the affected area and then blot it out.

4. Ink Stains

Ink stains look hideous if on a light-colored carpet.  Imagine you have a white or off-white colored carpet, and then there is a huge red/blue/black-colored stain on it; it will look ugly.

The most common way to remove an ink stain is to apply rubbing alcohol on the stain. Let the alcohol sit on the stain for a moment, and then blot it out with the help of a paper towel.

5. Oil Stains

Oil stains are harder to remove because oil is harder to remove from any surface. Carpet surfaces are more susceptible to such stains. Corn starch is the best oil stain remover. Apply a large amount of corn starch on the surface of the oil stain and let it sit for about 30 minutes to 2 hours. The time will depend upon how old the stain is. Then add dish soap on the cornstarch and rub with a toothbrush. Rinse all of this with cold water.


Many common carpet stains are relatively easy to remove using DIY methods. However, these methods are good only if a small area is carpeted, but it will not be easy to maintain if your entire house is carpeted. If this is the case, it’s better to call in the professionals. If you happen to live in the State of Virginia, you can use CityLocal Pro to find best carpet cleaning services in VA. That way, you can call on the experts when needed. It is better to ask around for the best cleaning services that will help you keep your house in good form.
